Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Plain sailing from Nottingham

I've been on eBay, bought a windsurfer with two masts, sails and booms, driven to Nottingham to collect it, brought it back on the car roof in the most varied weather conditions I've seen in a while, and now I just need to try it out somewhere :-) Anyone with a spare kayak paddle, let me know...

Friday, 22 May 2009

That Friday Feeling

It's raining. Again. Then again, what else do we expect in the North West of England? Still, forecast to be sunny all weekend which will be nice if it happens. It's funny though how wrong the forecasters seem to have been lately. Imagine the thought process...

It's been raining for days. It must get sunny soon. I'll forecast sun to arrive on... (sound of a pin being blindly stabbed into a calendar) Saturday!

Saturday comes, rain.

Now it's been raining for even longer. It absolutely MUST get sunny soon. I'll forecast sun for tomorrow.

Sunday comes, rain.

Let's try ... Umm... Tuesday.

Monday comes. Sun.

See? Now it must rain again soon. I'll forecast that for... wednesday.

Etc etc. I reckon i could do this meteorology lark. :-)

So are any of my myriad (1) readers up to anything nice this weekend? Well it's funny i should ask myself that, as yes i am. Just one more afternoon of work to get through first. Push em round...

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Thought of a use...

OK so maybe I've thought of something I can use this for. Check out my other blog - sometime in the future when it has some content is probably best - set yourself a reminder for this time next year. In the meantime, I've just realised that this one's called kevgillphoto, so I may as well include my own website in here, which is imaginatively also named the same way. http://www.kevgillphoto.co.uk. I don't update it particularly often, due in part to limited access to update it from work. Hopefully this may work out differently. Apologies that in this exciting edition of 'I have nothing to say' I turned out to in fact have something to say, and that it wasn't at all exciting. Stick with it though people (person, um... me?), even though I know for almost a fact that nobody's seen this page yet but me :o)

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

First Abortive Entry

So i have a blog now. What do normal people do with this space? All the exposure? Hmm exposure. That reminds me i've not updated my website for a bit. And in answer to my earlier question, normal people don't really seem to have blogs. Depends on your definition of normal I suppose. Anyway it's Wednesday night, we've just watched The Apprentice (aka 12 idiots 1 job) which my wife has watched from the beginning but which i can only watch once it reaches the later stages and most of the real tossers have been fired, and i thought i'd try out the email-to-blog thing, assuming i've remembered the address correctly :-) we shall see i suppose. Next time in another exciting installment of 'I have nothing to say', will i finally have something to say? Will anyone actually read it if i do? Tune in again then :-)