Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Data in right place,
But it's all completely wrong.
Halfway to success...

Friday, 14 May 2010

Hmm. Belated.

I'd all but forgotten this one existed. I updated my other one (photographyfromscratch) fairly frequently for a while and I plan to return, but I'm still struggling for a purpose for this one given that I have a photo website, and a flickr page, and a facebook page etc etc.

Maybe this can become my dedicated Haiku page.

I don't blog often
Usually it's quite pointless
No-one reads my page :o)

Oh and I did have a go with the windsurfer, and I did buy a kayak paddle, and I did choose the wrong side of the lake where the wind was blowing into the shore, and I didn't manage to stand up and go anywhere, and when one of the ropes came untied and I fell off backwards as I tried to pull up the pretty darn heavy mast and sopping wet sail, I disconnected all that and paddled round the lake for a bit, trying to find my balance. It's coming up summerwards again, so I plan another attempt soon. More updates (for all you non existent people to read) as and when.